Kindness - the simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in this world.
Why Kinesiology?
As beautiful and multi-faceted as life can be, it can also bring it's struggles. We all know that, sometimes one copes better with life and sometimes less well. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help and support during the more difficult times in life. On the contrary we live in the 21. Century and have progressed so much in technology and modern day life with lots of pressure and stress that our emotional needs have been put in second place or even been ignored, therefore we require an emotional outlet and sounding board of an actual person (friend or family) or professional. This is not a weakness which many people (men especially) seem to think. Fact is, according to the Federal Statistical Office (2012 survey), a quarter of the Swiss population suffers from sleep disorders. These sleep disorders can be related to various physical health problems or emotional health problems. So many people struggle with the same or similar problems, but unfortunately it is still regarded as a taboo topic to talk about.
We can all contribute to encourage and help our fellow human beings through difficult times by simply just sincerely listening to a family member, partner, acquaintance or a friend and taking them and their issues seriously. We all exist in a growing fast paced world, sometimes it feels like we live in an economy that listens just to respond and not to understand or try to feel someone’s struggle and really hear what they are trying to say.
I myself have experienced that Kinesiology has stimulated my self-healing powers and has brought my body, mind and soul into harmony. My mind has been sharpened and I appreciate that I can always come back to my emotional well being with the same simple exercises. In sometimes seemingly hopeless situations I am able to gain a different perspective and allow a healthy space between myself and the issue at hand in order for me to deal with it accordingly.
Nairn, Schottland 2017